速報APP / 生活品味 / De'Man Astros

De'Man Astros





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



De'Man Astros(圖1)-速報App

The earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon mooves around the Earth, where as other planets revolve around the Sun. These movements give rise to astronomical changes or transitions which has an impact over the ecosystem of earth. The calculation of these changes and impact can be termed as astrological calculations. Through these calculations, one can get an idea of the impending problems and their probable solutions.

De'Man Astros(圖2)-速報App

De' Man Astros endeavors to give solutions to your various problems through stones, specific mantras and worship formulae after thorough aatrological study.

De'Man Astros(圖3)-速報App

The founder of this website, Mr Saurabh Kumar, taking forward his family's tradition, is into astrological study and calculations since two decades now. His clientele includes wide range of people in India and abroad.

De'Man Astros(圖4)-速報App